BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Sunday, August 27, 2006

play great poker, lose to 2 outers

The title of this thread pretty much says it all. That's been the story for the last 3 days. I play great poker for hours and manage to win a little bit... then in one hand, I lose it all back including my original buy-in.

So I tried out .50/$1 nl yesterday and thought i played very well, In fact, I know I played well. The only thing that didn't go right was how the cards fell. But then again, when does that ever happen. I was up almost $200 early on when I flopped a flush on a 4 5 6 7 8 board. I put him all for $90, in a $25 pot trying to make it look like I was stealing. He calls and turns over J9. I'm off to a good start.

Then I make one of the greatest reads/calls in my life for a big pot... but get punished for making the right play while the donkey gets rewarded for.... well being a F*ing JackA$$.

I raise AQo in the small blind to $5 after 2 people limp. donkey on the button calls.

flop comes 9 2 5 all spades giving me the queen high flush draw and 2 overs. I bet out $12 as a semi-bluff and try to push him out. he pushes all-in for $95... WTF. I think about it for a while and know that this is a scared bet... that he just wants to take this pot down now without a confrontation. Right now, I think he has absolutey nothing, I put him on AT or A8, without the ace of spades and drawing to a garbage kicker flush. I run my clock all the way down, and finally grab a hold of my stones, I make the call and go with my read.

He turns over Ace fucking Jack... NO SPADES! even better than i thought, what a great freaking call. I have him drawing to 2 jacks left in the deck as the jack of spades would give me the Queen high flush. 91% to take down a monster pot.

turn: Jack of diamonds.

River: no spade, no queen.

When are thing gonna change?

Saturday, August 26, 2006

no more deepstacks for me

What a damm waste of time these tournaments are. Never will i play this tournament ever again. Its just now worth my time, seriously, even if i did take 1st place for 2k, I would never play this again.

I'm talking about the stars 30 minute levels with 5k in starting chips. lamest tournament ever. played for almost 5 hours and came out with $0. Only a -$33 for the buy-in.

got down to 29 left and I have just over average in chip stack, btw only top 27 get money. I get dealt AA utg and pump it up. 3 way action to the flop against the 2 chip leaders. flop come 9 4 3. sb bets out 2/3 of the pot and I reraise all-in. He says "I know you have AA, but i'm a donkey and i can't lay this down" and pushes in with QQ. Turn Q, but gives me 4 to a flush. River bricked and im bubble boy. If I win that pot, I have a huge chiplead and give myself a good chance at making some real money.

Other than that, I played a $44 on party, $26 9k gtd on full tilt, $30 9 man sng on FT, and a $22 180 man sng on stars. With the only cash i made in the single table SNG, took 1st place for $135 and saved my ass from a -$150 day in tournaments.

Also played some cash games, .25/.50 nl 6 max and managed to scrape out a $30 win today. Not much to talk about there, just sitting around and waiting for good hands and pushing my edges. Though i have to say that I am still getting crap for starting hands and I can't hit a straight or flush draw to save my life. I'm surprised I still came out a winner today.

On a side note, I hate playing .25/.50 nl 6 max. Nobody wants to gamble and there aren't any fish out there for the taking. Everybody has the same idea, grind it out and get your money in with the best hand. I hate playing rocky poker and I can't force myself to play those limits anymore. Tomorrow I start playing .50/$1 and see if the games are any more jucier there. I have more than a sufficient bankroll to support it.... So I should be fine.

Still playing great poker and If I can get lucky when it really counts, I should be in store for a big pay day soon.


Thursday, August 24, 2006


played a couple more MTT"s this morning and again, I played some great poker and came out with a nice cash.

same tournaments as last night, small $20 on FT, and a $30 on party. I lost the party tournmament when my AA got cracked by 77 on 9 7 x board to another donkey who i could not give any credit too actually holding a real hand. oh well, i played really well in that and was chip leader for a while too. Would have probably gone really deep if not for that suckout either.

then in the $20 on FT, I took 2nd out 170 for a $570 cash. about 1/5 of my total bankroll. so that was very nice. but I also had a chance to win this MTT heads up, I had over a 2 to 1 chiplead on him before he hit runner runner straight on my top pair. no way i could put him on that hand there. After that, I couldn't hit a hand when i needed too, it went back and fourth a lot when finally i lost with 56 on Q 4 6 8 board.

playing great and i'm going to be playing a lot of MTT's in the days to come, but for right now, I have to work tonight, then go right back early in the morning. So i'm going to have to wait until saturday till I can play again.

not a bad night, 2 final tables

I finished my 1st session and I have to say that I am pretty impressed with myself. Made 2 final tables and gained a lot of confidence back in my game.

1st tournament was a full tilt $22 with only 70 entries. Small i know, but what the hell, I thought i'd give it a try and see what happened. ended up taking 4th i believe. played some amazing poker and folded a lot of key hands that would have busted me earlier on, and climbed my way up the ladder. Couldn't get lucky at the final table and couldn't catch a hand, not to mention the big stacks were bullying around the table so i couldn't play any of the garbage hands i usually like to play.

I went out when i pushed with A8s from the button after the big stack minimum raised, he called and turned over 86o. What better scenario could I have asked for.

flop 3 4 6. FUCK! turn 6, but now i pick up the flush draw...

river SPADE! YES!!!.............. wait... its the fucking 3 of spades. dammit. at least i got $150 for my showing

I also played in a party $33 with 120 entries and ended up taking 4th in that for $250. 1st prize was 1k and I could almost taste it. I was chipleader with 4 left but managed to donk off my chip lead again

I went pretty much card dead the whole tourney, except for maybe 4 or 5 hands that really decided a good finish from me. AA doubled up when i was shortstacked, JJ vs 77, and I think KK took down a good sized pot late on. Other than that, i had no other playable hands to try and take over my table.

decided I was going to have to gamble to try and take 1st place. the game plan was to play against the 2 other medium stacks and not butt heads with the chipleader. Now these two guys stats were incredidbly tight, 12% and 10% $VPIP, and being that it was 4 handed, I would push my marginal hands a little harder and either hope to get lucky, or just have them fold right off of the bat. sure enough, next hand in I get A4s in the BB and face a raise from MR. 12% on the button, I push back and he instacalls with AKo. gg me

Felt really good to make those final tables, would have been incredible to win them both.. but i'll take whatever I can get right now. I still think theres a lot more room for improvement in my game though, I know there were a bunch of times throughout the tourneys that I was too scared to pull the trigger when i thought an oponnent was weak. Meh, Ill figure it out.

got plans to play in a few MTT's tomorrow and get back into some cash games. Gonna play my heart out and hope the cards fall my way.

Laters all

Let the grind begin

alright, well my one week break is up, and i am psyched to get back into the grind. It was a long week to say the least, and it took a lot of discipline to not jump into any kind of poker, especially when my buddy jcash is playing right next to me every night... lol. but i got through it, and now i am ready to play.

I am just hoping my dry spell has ended by now. That would be the worse thing ever to come back from a break and still be running terribly bad, but i'm prepared for the worse if that should happen. at least i'll be playing my A game all around, So i'll do my thing and I'll let the cards do their thing and pray for the best.

all right, let it begin

Saturday, August 19, 2006

time to take a break

Last night sealed the deal and cleared up any doubts I had about maybe taking a break from playing online poker. I have been debating this decision since my bad run started, but now it is clear to me that a break is absolutely necessary if I plan to continue playing poker in the future.

I won't get in to too much detail, but it went something like this. I started out with 2 $20 Mtt's and went absolutely card dead from the moment the 1st hands were dealt. My uncle was there watching me play and witnessed my ridicilous run of bad starting hands. Hand, after hand, after hand, on each table, nothing but 9 high. I am not even joking, 92, 94, 83, 74, 62, 24, and 23 were the most popular ones, but I think you get the point. I saw maybe 4 picture cards total through out at least an hour of play.

Finally I get AJs on the button and want to get in on some action.... action before it gets to me, raise, reraise, all-in, call.... great!

I decide im playing well and am going to try out some limit again after a 2 week break. I play 2/4 limit 6 max on FT. I have top 2 pair run into bottum set, not only once, but twice. I miss every AK, AQ, AJ, AT, KQ, KT, QJ hand i raise before the flop and end up folding to post flop action. And the hand that did me in was when i had AK vs 55 in position against a total donk. flop brings an ace, some heavy betting follows, turn is a blank, more heavy betting occurs, river is a 5... alkdjfaoiuewoualkjksdfhadsg

I'm done for now. check back in about a week or 2 from today.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

holy sh*% i cashed in a MTT

Yeah I know... I can't believe it either. Must have stepped on a big pile of dog poo earlier today or something... because no way on earth I should ever cash in any tournament. What's going on?

haha, whatever, it felt freaking great to finally go deep in a big tourney and cash, not to mention I am playing some of the best poker I have ever played in my life... no joke. I put myself in a great position to take down a tournament late in an MTT.

It was a partypoker $30+3 with over 600 entries, and when it got down to 15 players, I was either 3rd or 4th in chips looking to cruise my way into the final table. But the chipleader at my table would decide otherwise "bitch". I was shortstacked the whole tourney but patientlly waited for my good hands and pushed any edge i thought i had. Finally with an M of 3 i pushed with QJ in MP and got lucky against AK. A few hands later, I have AK and double up again through QQ, im at just over 100k now. sweet, i finally have some chips to play with. I played a few big pots and managed to take down some crucial ones and built my stack up to 180k and was a force to be reckoned with again.

then in one hand... boom! it was taken all away from me. long story short, I got carried away and overplayed my AKo against the chipleader at my table. the chips went all-in preflop and he had QQ. I whiffed everything and im out in 15th place for $150.

Whats even sicker is that before the villian put all of his chips into the pot... he said "I know you have KK... but theres no way i can fold this hand". He put me on a hand that i wanted him to think I had, but still he went against his read and gambled. UGGHHHHH!!!

If i win that hand, I guarantee myself at least a 3rd place finish. well, whatever... Im playing good poker now and giving myself a chance to make some money at least.

Oh yeah, at the same time I was playing this MTT, i was also playing in a stars $20 180 sng. with 12 people left and im 5th in chips, I flop a queen high flush from the big blind against a minimum raise from the button (he has me covered btw). I check, he pushes all-in instantly, easy call for me... he has Kings with one diamond. ok just need to dodge a diamond, "ONE TIME BABY!!!"

turn 7 diamonds... :(

But now i have the openended straight flush draw. 2 outs for me... "C'MON! ONE TIME BABY!"

river bricked... gg me

Thursday, August 10, 2006

still cant get it together

current bankroll $2,489

I am trying to play as best as I can, I really am, but when you lose to rivered 2 and 3 outers with all of the money already in the pot... I don't think theres anything I can do about that.

Gonna start taking a new approach to MTT's though, gonna play Tight Aggressive. And when i say aggressive, i mean it. gonna play my strong hands extremely powerful and stick it to um. The loose aggressive game I have been learning and using for the past few months ain't working, to hell with it.

alright well, im out, gl me

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I finally think my bad run is coming to an end. I've settled down a lot and stopped playing so many god damm MTT's all the time. I still throw in a few here and there, but not like im playing 6-10 a day and not cashing in single one like I used too.

Hopefully my luck is changing and I can start final tabling again. It's been a while since i've seen the final table of a big online field and cashed in big. I really want to make it big in online poker and I know you have to make a name for yourself through the biggest online MTT's special events. One day soon enough, i can tell you right now, that i am going to be taking down one of these big 30k + gtd tournaments.

Other than the tournaments, I've been doing well in the 6 max limit ring games. Mostly 3/6 right now but I do throw in the occasional 2/4 when im running bad. I made myself a promise that if I could get my bankroll back up to 4,000 this month, that I could go back to playing 5/10 limit 6max... since the beginning of august I am up $624 playing 3/6 and 2/4. So i am almost there.

Last night I was playing and this guy C.E.O. something on full tilt at the 3/6 game, and after I called him down with middle pair and took down a nice pot, he decided to start talking smack and calling me an idiot and what not. bad mistake buddy, that really set me off and we went back and fourth for at least 20 minutes before the table cleared out and left us heads up.

We played for maybe half an hour heads up and I had him $250 in the hole. he was still talking shit... some people just don't learn. anyway that made a nice push in my bankroll and did alot for my confidence.

allright im out, got a couple of mtt's going on right now and i desperately need to make a final table...

peace out