BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

9/26/06 update

Today Sucked.

I played some really good poker today, but couldn't get lucky enough (and when I say lucky, I mean winning hands that are 80%+ favorite to win going into the river) to hold up. I must have played about 10 MTT's today. I think the only one I cashed was 15th in a stars $20 180 sng. I went deep in a full tilt double stack $30 mtt and went out on the bubble when I lost a big race that would have given me a lot of chips to play with.

I also took a shot today in the 35k gtd on stars, and ended up buying in for $60... ouch. but again I went deep in that one and lost a huge race with AJ vs 99. would have been monster chip stack, but instead got ousted on the bubble.

One thing that I am happy about today though, is that I am gaining some confidence back in my game. I am playing aggressive again and pulling off some really good bluffs for nice sized pots. I just need to win some key races and I'll cash in the big one soon enough.

bankroll at the end of today $2,313. On a side note, I'm also getting back into the whole 6 max nl ring games again... prior to last night and today, I made over $400 in 3 sessions playing .50/$1 nl ring games. I was playing great and hitting some hands. then last night and today, I lost all of the $400 to hands were I was at least 80% going into the river... If I win those hands... I'm probably up over $800 right now.

oh well, better luck tomorrow


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