BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

9/20/06 update, +800 (50% of BR)

Today I played a bunch of Mtt's ranging from $22-$33. I played well in all of them, but again only mangaed to cash in one. But at least I made that one worth my while

It was a $22 180 man sng on stars, and I ended up chopping it heads up for a $900 cash. not bad considering I was shortstacked the whole time. I just held on and got lucky when I really needed too.

some important hands that I won deep in this tourney were my 1010 vs AA, J7 vs AQ (thought it was a steal and I pushed back). then in the bubble stages with only about 8k in chips with blinds at 300 and 600, I played this one guy like a fiddle. He was playing tight and pretty descent, but I knew he would attempt to steal the blinds with any 2 cards anytime it was folded around to him. He had been caught stealing twice now. I ended up taking this guy out, he was the chipleader at my table at the moment. I get A2 in the big blind and he raises on the button 4x the big blind, I push and he calls with Q5 and I flop 2 pair. next round, I get KJ in the BB and again he raises from the button 4x the big blind, I push it and he calls with J2. nice try buddy, gg.

not a bad showing today, brought my bankroll back up too $2,412. I desperately needed that one. Gonna cash out like $150 just to make sure I got something to show out of this win.

Gonna be playing the $22 180 sitngo's a lot the next few days, these tourneys are so juicy. Still gonna try the party and tilt 20-30 mtt's and hope for the big score soon. Probably throw in a bunch of $20 single table sng's as well. don't know if im ready to give the cash games another try yet...


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