BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Sunday, August 27, 2006

play great poker, lose to 2 outers

The title of this thread pretty much says it all. That's been the story for the last 3 days. I play great poker for hours and manage to win a little bit... then in one hand, I lose it all back including my original buy-in.

So I tried out .50/$1 nl yesterday and thought i played very well, In fact, I know I played well. The only thing that didn't go right was how the cards fell. But then again, when does that ever happen. I was up almost $200 early on when I flopped a flush on a 4 5 6 7 8 board. I put him all for $90, in a $25 pot trying to make it look like I was stealing. He calls and turns over J9. I'm off to a good start.

Then I make one of the greatest reads/calls in my life for a big pot... but get punished for making the right play while the donkey gets rewarded for.... well being a F*ing JackA$$.

I raise AQo in the small blind to $5 after 2 people limp. donkey on the button calls.

flop comes 9 2 5 all spades giving me the queen high flush draw and 2 overs. I bet out $12 as a semi-bluff and try to push him out. he pushes all-in for $95... WTF. I think about it for a while and know that this is a scared bet... that he just wants to take this pot down now without a confrontation. Right now, I think he has absolutey nothing, I put him on AT or A8, without the ace of spades and drawing to a garbage kicker flush. I run my clock all the way down, and finally grab a hold of my stones, I make the call and go with my read.

He turns over Ace fucking Jack... NO SPADES! even better than i thought, what a great freaking call. I have him drawing to 2 jacks left in the deck as the jack of spades would give me the Queen high flush. 91% to take down a monster pot.

turn: Jack of diamonds.

River: no spade, no queen.

When are thing gonna change?


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