BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

holy sh*% i cashed in a MTT

Yeah I know... I can't believe it either. Must have stepped on a big pile of dog poo earlier today or something... because no way on earth I should ever cash in any tournament. What's going on?

haha, whatever, it felt freaking great to finally go deep in a big tourney and cash, not to mention I am playing some of the best poker I have ever played in my life... no joke. I put myself in a great position to take down a tournament late in an MTT.

It was a partypoker $30+3 with over 600 entries, and when it got down to 15 players, I was either 3rd or 4th in chips looking to cruise my way into the final table. But the chipleader at my table would decide otherwise "bitch". I was shortstacked the whole tourney but patientlly waited for my good hands and pushed any edge i thought i had. Finally with an M of 3 i pushed with QJ in MP and got lucky against AK. A few hands later, I have AK and double up again through QQ, im at just over 100k now. sweet, i finally have some chips to play with. I played a few big pots and managed to take down some crucial ones and built my stack up to 180k and was a force to be reckoned with again.

then in one hand... boom! it was taken all away from me. long story short, I got carried away and overplayed my AKo against the chipleader at my table. the chips went all-in preflop and he had QQ. I whiffed everything and im out in 15th place for $150.

Whats even sicker is that before the villian put all of his chips into the pot... he said "I know you have KK... but theres no way i can fold this hand". He put me on a hand that i wanted him to think I had, but still he went against his read and gambled. UGGHHHHH!!!

If i win that hand, I guarantee myself at least a 3rd place finish. well, whatever... Im playing good poker now and giving myself a chance to make some money at least.

Oh yeah, at the same time I was playing this MTT, i was also playing in a stars $20 180 sng. with 12 people left and im 5th in chips, I flop a queen high flush from the big blind against a minimum raise from the button (he has me covered btw). I check, he pushes all-in instantly, easy call for me... he has Kings with one diamond. ok just need to dodge a diamond, "ONE TIME BABY!!!"

turn 7 diamonds... :(

But now i have the openended straight flush draw. 2 outs for me... "C'MON! ONE TIME BABY!"

river bricked... gg me


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