BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

1st blog since my comeback

It has now been almost 2 weeks since I started playing poker again with a not so healthy $639 bankroll. I've have been following all of my advice about putting my life before poker and believe that has been the key to my recent poker success. I've been working out more, hanging out with friends, taking my 2 days off a week, and not trying to rush my poker game or wins, but just letting whatever comes to me come.

And so far, I have been very successful when sticking to my game plan. Overall, I am up over $500, thats about 78% of my bankroll from when I first started. I think the biggest portion of that winnings is coming from my $6 turbo sng's and a little bit more from .10/.25nl ring games. Ill post some of my stats from PT here myself so you can see exactly whats going on.

84 sng's total (75 $6 turbos, 4 $16 turbos on stars, and 5 $11 turbos on full tilt)
total profit = $319.90
ROI (return on investment) = 52%

1st place - 19
2nd - 13
3rd - 8
4th and 5th - 18 :(

I guess that happens when you play so aggressively on the bubble, trying to build a big chip lead to put me in contention for 1st place. But I guess I could tone it down a little bit on the bubble and try harder to make the money, But still play to win....kind of contradicting i know... im confusing myself too. whatever

In other news, I just signed up for rakeback from fulltilt through and got my existing account approved. What I can't believe is that I waited so long to try and get this. It's basically free money for playing on the poker site, I get 27% of whatever rake goes into the pot of any hand I play. At the stakes im playing at right now, I expect to make an extra $70-$100 a month just for playing on fulltilt. Free money is always nice. When I get back to playing $1/$2nl and 5/10 limit +, I should be making a killing just from rakeback alone, proabably a grand a month.

allright, i gotta get back on the grind, peace out all


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