BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Thursday, August 24, 2006

not a bad night, 2 final tables

I finished my 1st session and I have to say that I am pretty impressed with myself. Made 2 final tables and gained a lot of confidence back in my game.

1st tournament was a full tilt $22 with only 70 entries. Small i know, but what the hell, I thought i'd give it a try and see what happened. ended up taking 4th i believe. played some amazing poker and folded a lot of key hands that would have busted me earlier on, and climbed my way up the ladder. Couldn't get lucky at the final table and couldn't catch a hand, not to mention the big stacks were bullying around the table so i couldn't play any of the garbage hands i usually like to play.

I went out when i pushed with A8s from the button after the big stack minimum raised, he called and turned over 86o. What better scenario could I have asked for.

flop 3 4 6. FUCK! turn 6, but now i pick up the flush draw...

river SPADE! YES!!!.............. wait... its the fucking 3 of spades. dammit. at least i got $150 for my showing

I also played in a party $33 with 120 entries and ended up taking 4th in that for $250. 1st prize was 1k and I could almost taste it. I was chipleader with 4 left but managed to donk off my chip lead again

I went pretty much card dead the whole tourney, except for maybe 4 or 5 hands that really decided a good finish from me. AA doubled up when i was shortstacked, JJ vs 77, and I think KK took down a good sized pot late on. Other than that, i had no other playable hands to try and take over my table.

decided I was going to have to gamble to try and take 1st place. the game plan was to play against the 2 other medium stacks and not butt heads with the chipleader. Now these two guys stats were incredidbly tight, 12% and 10% $VPIP, and being that it was 4 handed, I would push my marginal hands a little harder and either hope to get lucky, or just have them fold right off of the bat. sure enough, next hand in I get A4s in the BB and face a raise from MR. 12% on the button, I push back and he instacalls with AKo. gg me

Felt really good to make those final tables, would have been incredible to win them both.. but i'll take whatever I can get right now. I still think theres a lot more room for improvement in my game though, I know there were a bunch of times throughout the tourneys that I was too scared to pull the trigger when i thought an oponnent was weak. Meh, Ill figure it out.

got plans to play in a few MTT's tomorrow and get back into some cash games. Gonna play my heart out and hope the cards fall my way.

Laters all


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