BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Saturday, August 19, 2006

time to take a break

Last night sealed the deal and cleared up any doubts I had about maybe taking a break from playing online poker. I have been debating this decision since my bad run started, but now it is clear to me that a break is absolutely necessary if I plan to continue playing poker in the future.

I won't get in to too much detail, but it went something like this. I started out with 2 $20 Mtt's and went absolutely card dead from the moment the 1st hands were dealt. My uncle was there watching me play and witnessed my ridicilous run of bad starting hands. Hand, after hand, after hand, on each table, nothing but 9 high. I am not even joking, 92, 94, 83, 74, 62, 24, and 23 were the most popular ones, but I think you get the point. I saw maybe 4 picture cards total through out at least an hour of play.

Finally I get AJs on the button and want to get in on some action.... action before it gets to me, raise, reraise, all-in, call.... great!

I decide im playing well and am going to try out some limit again after a 2 week break. I play 2/4 limit 6 max on FT. I have top 2 pair run into bottum set, not only once, but twice. I miss every AK, AQ, AJ, AT, KQ, KT, QJ hand i raise before the flop and end up folding to post flop action. And the hand that did me in was when i had AK vs 55 in position against a total donk. flop brings an ace, some heavy betting follows, turn is a blank, more heavy betting occurs, river is a 5... alkdjfaoiuewoualkjksdfhadsg

I'm done for now. check back in about a week or 2 from today.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wishing you the best of luck when bigchipshi/stylinhawyn returns to the felt from his week long hiatus!

3:38 AM  

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