BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Sunday, October 01, 2006

So September's done...

And I have not accomplished any of my goals. In fact, instead of profitting $2,000... I am down $2,000 as far as my bankroll is concerned. Really makes we wonder, How do I win so much money and then blow it all back so quickly... am I profitable winning poker player? I'd like to think so... but it's times like these that can really build your character, and thats exactly what I am trying to get out of this.

bankroll is about $1800 right now. no big cashes in any mtt's to help me out in that department. I got close a few times, but couldn't get myself into the final table where the real money is at. cash games have been up and down... more down than up. but I have had times where I shined and made some good money.

Which all brings me to my goals for October.

1. Play a shit load of hands at 2/4 limit and .50/$1 nl ring games, all 6 max. I feel these are my strongest games that I can try to make money at. Im going to try and play at least 15,000 hands total for the month in both games, and see if at the end of the month, if I have a respectable win rate.

thats it, thats my only goal for Oct. just going to try and make money the best way I know how. I'll play a few tournaments here and there (mostly $20 180 sng's), but I am not depending on them to make me any money. If the big score comes, then it comes. If not, then I haven't let myself down either.

Let October begin


Blogger Ryan said...

Just from this top post (didn't read the others), sounds like you're runnin bad.. Sorry to hear it.

Might have a good bankroll builder for you if you like 6 max SNGs... Shoot me an e-mail..

11:02 PM  

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