BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Saturday, August 26, 2006

no more deepstacks for me

What a damm waste of time these tournaments are. Never will i play this tournament ever again. Its just now worth my time, seriously, even if i did take 1st place for 2k, I would never play this again.

I'm talking about the stars 30 minute levels with 5k in starting chips. lamest tournament ever. played for almost 5 hours and came out with $0. Only a -$33 for the buy-in.

got down to 29 left and I have just over average in chip stack, btw only top 27 get money. I get dealt AA utg and pump it up. 3 way action to the flop against the 2 chip leaders. flop come 9 4 3. sb bets out 2/3 of the pot and I reraise all-in. He says "I know you have AA, but i'm a donkey and i can't lay this down" and pushes in with QQ. Turn Q, but gives me 4 to a flush. River bricked and im bubble boy. If I win that pot, I have a huge chiplead and give myself a good chance at making some real money.

Other than that, I played a $44 on party, $26 9k gtd on full tilt, $30 9 man sng on FT, and a $22 180 man sng on stars. With the only cash i made in the single table SNG, took 1st place for $135 and saved my ass from a -$150 day in tournaments.

Also played some cash games, .25/.50 nl 6 max and managed to scrape out a $30 win today. Not much to talk about there, just sitting around and waiting for good hands and pushing my edges. Though i have to say that I am still getting crap for starting hands and I can't hit a straight or flush draw to save my life. I'm surprised I still came out a winner today.

On a side note, I hate playing .25/.50 nl 6 max. Nobody wants to gamble and there aren't any fish out there for the taking. Everybody has the same idea, grind it out and get your money in with the best hand. I hate playing rocky poker and I can't force myself to play those limits anymore. Tomorrow I start playing .50/$1 and see if the games are any more jucier there. I have more than a sufficient bankroll to support it.... So I should be fine.

Still playing great poker and If I can get lucky when it really counts, I should be in store for a big pay day soon.



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