BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Done with NL ring games

For now at least. And I also think I am going to take a break from tournament poker for a week or so. In the last few days I have been running pretty terrible in both of those games.

I think I have overdone the MTT thing these last couple of months and fried my brain trying too hard to beat the game. I'm beat and tired and need to find some motivation again to beat MTT's. I play them and I do alright, but my drive to really succeed is not there right now. Making terrible calls and reads, mostly just hoping that they are bluffing at me all the time. I just need a week or so to get my head back on tight

For NL ring, I did farely well last month making almost $900 for the month of August getting back into the .50/$1 game. September has so far been a whole other story, I'm down over $900 in a few days playing $1/$2 nl and .50/$1. I reviewed my play and I was getting outplayed left and right, if thats what you want to call it. All of my big hands were getting shot down by coolers and 1 uppers, and that usually cost me a whole lot of money when it happened, usually a buy-in + whatever little profit I made.

All this got me to thinking, I'm losing a lot of money because my big hands are costing me my whole stack. If I were playing limit, I could have saved a lot of money to see the cooler that beat me.

So today I gave limit a shot again playing the 2/4 6max on party and tilt and boy are those games juicy as ever. I played some solid poker and it also helped that I could suck out a few times and hit some miracle cards. I ended up making $251 over 900 hands, thats 7.16bb/100. Not too shabbie, helps the bankroll out a bit after the hit I took playing NL.

I know its just variance and my time will come again to lose. But I think until that time comes, I'm going to milk this limit rush I may have going on. Tomorrow, I'm going to give the 5/10 games a shot and see if I can make some real money :D


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