BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Friday, September 01, 2006

Review August, Goals for September

So i've had a really up and down August. Starting off winning a lot and getting my bankroll all the way up to about 7k. The most money i've ever had to handle ever in my life. I was flying high and thought I was invinsible. I thought i couldn't be touched and let my confidence get the best of me.

Then I got crushed, by any and everything that had to deal with poker. I went on a terrible run and lost about 4k in a couple of weeks. What happened was after taking 5th in the full tilt 40k for $3,300, I wanted to really make a name for myself in online tournament poker. I started buying in directly to big online MTT's with buy-ins ranging anywhere from $50 -$150. and not just a few here and there, a lot of them... any chance i got, i played. Needless to say, I never cashed in a single one of those. I finally realized what i was doing was stupid and took a break from poker.

I've got my head screwed back on straight and I know I'm ready to play some great poker.

current bankroll $4014.65 (up almost $1700 from the lowest I remember it getting)

I've been grinding it out in the small buy-in MTT's ($20-$30), single table $30 sng's, 6 max .50/$1 nl ring games, and recently the $10 rebuys satellite to the sunday million (which i might add is a total donk fest, i actually feel bad that its so easy to win a ticket through this). I have been for the most part successfull in all of the games listed above.


1. Get roll up to $5,000 so I can get back into the 5/10 limit 6 max game. Where I feel I have been the most successfull in limit games in the past. Averaging 3.5 bb/100.

2. Get back into $1/$2 nl 6 max. I know I have the roll to play both of these games, but my recent downswings have made me really skeptical about bankroll management, I feel like I need to have a lot more cussion to play in these games.

3. Have at least one $2,000 + cash in an MTT. max buy-in for MTT's : $50. Exceptions for if I satellite into a bigger $100 + MTT or use $T dollars through pokerstars

4. Net Profit $2,000. (50% of bankroll, I'm confident that I can get it done in 30 days)

Here's to a good September for all of us. Gl all


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