BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

got to play some live poker

Felt good to finally get back on a real poker table with actual poker chips and actually interacting with real human beings for once. For the last year or so, I have played nothing but online poker. So you can imagine how excited and nervous I must have been going into the tournament.

It wasn't anything big, your typical home game tournament. $55 buy-in, 28 people, most of which have very little or any knowledge of tournament strategy, extremely fast blinds, bad structure, etc.... Basically, my strategy was to go in there and play just like how I have been playing online recently, tight aggressive, and loosen up a bit in position to try and steal pots.

In the beginning, nothing really happened. no big hands, lost to a 5 outer for about 1/3rd of my chips, but was still hanging in there and sticking to the strategy. one thing I should mention was that I had to fold KJ suited twice from early position, once from under the gun, and once to a raise from under the gun... you may be thinking so what? I do that everyday! but for a natually loose agg player like me, It was almost as bad as pulling teeth. But i knew it was the right play and laid them down.

middle of the tournament now and im really shortstacked with an M of 4. I get it all-in with 66 against AA and say good game to the players at my table. flop brings a miracle 6 and I double up, but still short stacked. I hang around stealing pots with no hand better than 33 or AJo and build up a descent stack.

final table now and I steal enough blinds to make me 2nd in chips, but still only with an M of 6 (I told you it was a bad structure), and I go on a crazy final table rush. First hand in, I get QQ in the big blind and take down a descent sized pot ( 2 people limped in). I never looked back from there and ended up winning the tournament for a $530 cash.

still got it baby :D


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