BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Took 2nd in a $55 party MTT

140 entries and took 2nd place for around $1,100.

heads up, I had 3 to 1 chip lead on this guy 3 seperate times. but everytime I got it in with the best hand no matter how big of a favorite I was, I lost and could not put this clown away. Missed out on an extra $800 for 1st place. AT lost to KT, JJ lost to AKs, and to put me away, 1010 lost to AT. I played as best as I could, but could not pull this one out. gg me

since sept 1 = +$1,210.91, not a bad way to start off the month.

total bankroll = $5,225.56 - $400 for personal expenses = $4,825.56.

edit: had to edit the original tournament report I made because i just got done reading it and it made no sense whatsoever, and was way too long. give me a break, I wrote that at 4am alright


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