BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Thursday, November 30, 2006

wow, its been 2 months since my last update

Lets see, where did I leave off. I said I had just got back, made $500 playing $6 turbo sng's & .10/.25 shnl he, just signed up for rakeback, blah blah blah...

Well since then I have been running really well. I'm not going to say running great, because if I were running great, I'd have 20k in my bank account right now, instead I only have aboout.... lets just say not even close to 20k. Its actually a lot closer to 0k. lol

But still, I have been running descent enough to show a steady profit for the past 2 months. Heres where I stand right now

all stats are from Oct 1- Nov 30

Bankroll : $2,046 (YEEEEEAAAAAA, got passed the 2k mark!!! just realized that now)
I also cashed out around $800

cash games : +$805/8k hands/17bb per 100 hands @ .10/25 shnl he

sng's (including 1 table, 2 table, and 180's) : +$902/31% ROI

MTT's (including DS/TS satellites) : +$1,020/148% ROI

total profit : +$2,727

This is actually the first time I am looking at my stats since then, and I am fairly satisfied with my resuslts. Only fairly satisfied because there have been MTT's where I have gone really deep but could not close them out and cash in for the big score. I have numerous finishes for big $10 mtt's ranging from 12th place to 36th place out of 600-1200 entrants. Some bust out's due to bad beats , but also a lot of them due to being blinded out or my bad play. So I have a lot to work on in this department, and i'm going to start off by finishing rereading Harrington on Hold'em 1, then also start and finish #2 again.

I should just be thankful that I am winning again, not losing more money but more importantly, making money. I am for the most part greatful, but I am so competitive that I just don't know if I will ever be satisfied. Maybe the day I bring home a 10K + win, that will be the day I can honestly say I will be satisfied with myself.

Tonight was a pretty sick night. I started playing the $11 and $13 double shootouts satellites to the sunday million and have had my most success there. Winning a $530 seat, and 2 $215 seats, to go along with at least another 3-4 final tables (+35 a piece). Back to my point, tonight I get to the final table and emerge as the chipleader going into the final 3 spots where top 2 get the seats. Of course, every hand I make, somebody has one better higher pair or catches on the river. Not once did I have the winning hand in the 20 minutes we played 3 way. I got murdered and busted out in 3rd place when i shoved the sb with 10 2 into the bb's AKs.

It was a really stupid push on my part, I should have been patient and waited for a better spot. But i wanted to build my stack back up and contend for the seat... I need to stop thinking like that. Its hurting my game in so many ways.

But I still love the $11 turbo sat's, the players are really bad and don't understand how your supposed to play sng's at all and really opens up a huge edge for me. Even when it gets to the final table, only 2 or 3 other players actually have a clue of what there doing. So ima gonna keep on playing these and collecting $T, and maybe one of these days use that T$ to play a $100+ buy in MTT. yeah, once the BR's got a little more cussion, I'll take a shot.

Until then, I just started playing .25/.50 shnl he, $10-$16 sng's, and $10-$20 mtt's/180's. So im moving up come December and I hope all goes well and I get an early x-mas present.

laters all, aloha