BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

1st blog since my comeback

It has now been almost 2 weeks since I started playing poker again with a not so healthy $639 bankroll. I've have been following all of my advice about putting my life before poker and believe that has been the key to my recent poker success. I've been working out more, hanging out with friends, taking my 2 days off a week, and not trying to rush my poker game or wins, but just letting whatever comes to me come.

And so far, I have been very successful when sticking to my game plan. Overall, I am up over $500, thats about 78% of my bankroll from when I first started. I think the biggest portion of that winnings is coming from my $6 turbo sng's and a little bit more from .10/.25nl ring games. Ill post some of my stats from PT here myself so you can see exactly whats going on.

84 sng's total (75 $6 turbos, 4 $16 turbos on stars, and 5 $11 turbos on full tilt)
total profit = $319.90
ROI (return on investment) = 52%

1st place - 19
2nd - 13
3rd - 8
4th and 5th - 18 :(

I guess that happens when you play so aggressively on the bubble, trying to build a big chip lead to put me in contention for 1st place. But I guess I could tone it down a little bit on the bubble and try harder to make the money, But still play to win....kind of contradicting i know... im confusing myself too. whatever

In other news, I just signed up for rakeback from fulltilt through and got my existing account approved. What I can't believe is that I waited so long to try and get this. It's basically free money for playing on the poker site, I get 27% of whatever rake goes into the pot of any hand I play. At the stakes im playing at right now, I expect to make an extra $70-$100 a month just for playing on fulltilt. Free money is always nice. When I get back to playing $1/$2nl and 5/10 limit +, I should be making a killing just from rakeback alone, proabably a grand a month.

allright, i gotta get back on the grind, peace out all

Friday, October 06, 2006

I was about to quit poker for good...

I was really depressed about one my sickest and longest bad runs yet, and for 1 day I had called it quits for good on poker. I packed up all my books, all my journals and stat books, deleted all poker related software from my computer, and made peace with the fact that I was never going to play online poker again. I even cashed out everything that was in my neteller account at the time and planned to cash out the rest when the trasactions from the poker sites cleared. I felt really shitty about it, putting in so much time and hard work to have to call it quits so soon.

the next day I went to work, and I felt great. I wasn't thinking about poker so much, and you could tell there was something different about me. I was more relaxed and less tense, I felt more confident and for the past week, I have let everybody I know feel the same way aboout me. I have been more chipper and more sociable as of late.

then I thought that maybe I was taking the wrong approach to this poker thing. Devoting all of my time and effort into this game without giving my friends and family the time of day. I forgot what it was like to go out and have fun outside of poker. And this break has helped remind me of the greater things in life that should be prioritized over poker. I had it all backwards.

Needless to say, I think I have the answer to greater poker success. I am putting poker 2nd behind life. I will never brush off another frined or family member because I am too busy playing poker. I will have a set schedule of when and when i cannot play poker. I will take at least 2-3 days off from poker to ensure a health social life. I will also only play for 3-4 hour sessions at most and max 2 sessions a day. On my days off from work before, I would do absolutely nothing but play poker from 9am all the way through 2/3 am, taking breaks only to use the bathroom, or get something to eat or drink... now i can see exactly why I was doing horrible in poker

well, im ready to make my return to poker. I have less than $700 in my bankroll and i'm back on the grind playing .10/.25 nl hold'em. let's see if i can build this puppy into a monster....

laters and gl all

Sunday, October 01, 2006

So September's done...

And I have not accomplished any of my goals. In fact, instead of profitting $2,000... I am down $2,000 as far as my bankroll is concerned. Really makes we wonder, How do I win so much money and then blow it all back so quickly... am I profitable winning poker player? I'd like to think so... but it's times like these that can really build your character, and thats exactly what I am trying to get out of this.

bankroll is about $1800 right now. no big cashes in any mtt's to help me out in that department. I got close a few times, but couldn't get myself into the final table where the real money is at. cash games have been up and down... more down than up. but I have had times where I shined and made some good money.

Which all brings me to my goals for October.

1. Play a shit load of hands at 2/4 limit and .50/$1 nl ring games, all 6 max. I feel these are my strongest games that I can try to make money at. Im going to try and play at least 15,000 hands total for the month in both games, and see if at the end of the month, if I have a respectable win rate.

thats it, thats my only goal for Oct. just going to try and make money the best way I know how. I'll play a few tournaments here and there (mostly $20 180 sng's), but I am not depending on them to make me any money. If the big score comes, then it comes. If not, then I haven't let myself down either.

Let October begin