BigChipsHI Poker Blog

Friday, July 21, 2006


whats crackin all? Welcome to my new blog

I guess ill start off with an introduction of myselft. Name's Dominic, 22 years old, and i'm living in Oahu, Hawaii where I was born and raised. Though I love my home and my family, the time has come for me to grow up and learn some responsibility, I plan to move out of Hawaii (out of parents house) by the end of september and move out to L.A., California. This laid back lifestyle isn't working for me at the moment, I need something a little more upbeat and always moving. I think L.A. will fit those needs just right

I have been playing poker for almost 2 years now, and for the most part... winning consistently. i started off with a mere $150 bankroll back when i started to play online poker, I have since increased that bankroll to just under 7k to date, while cashing out over 10k for personal reasons.

well, I guess thats enough to get this blog started and rolling. i'll try to keep it up to date and I hope you like my blog

peace out,
bigchipshi a.k.a. stylinhawyn


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